Commercial Practice
Julia Guziuk
Location investigation
Museum Park Rotterdam
--------------Very popular park location for GenZ today
GenZ x Rotterdam 2050
--------------Skate park
Future construction underway
Is this really what the future of museum park will look like...??
Future scenario
Climate change -> To reconnect with nature.

Mobile phones controlling our lives, Health and well being. Social distancing is the norm in 2050
Transformation Scenario
I believe in 2020 social distancing will remain. Humans will only have contact through mobile phones. GenZ will become virtual

Due to climate change and Green House Gas effect there will be no more nature. Aslo as humans will not take care of it due to social distancing and isolation.
This will lead to this project.

To create an area in museum park where humans/GenZ can meet to switch off the phones and connect with nature and each other.
Final product
Create a product
Does nature have the power to calm humans bodies and minds....?
How does this make you feel ??
Canadian-Iranian designer Roya Aghighi has created clothes made from algae that turn carbon dioxide into oxygen via photosynthesis (left)
40 years closed
Bar-headed geese;
Either way of increasing the volume of blood gets oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.altitudes greater than 5,000 m, where the air density and partial pressure of oxygen are only about half of those at sea level.

How ??
Larger lungs
Idea 1
Focus location at museum park...
Top of : Mirror Building
Healing Area and for human interaction
plants detect your mood.

another person feeling the same way gets a notification to go to the booth beside you
Idea 2
Extra Respiritory System
Not the only way to breath but an aid to breath easier
Keep mouth covered - Health Safety
ruppell's griffon vultures
Further Research
Gen Z may become lonely due to social distancing
The park becomes are of relaxation. Support